
Phil B. Soencksen

Phil Soencksen

Multimedia Storyteller

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About Me

I generate strategic, creative content for Kent State Today and the university's marketing communications. My background is in advertising copywriting and marketing strategy coming from years of working in Cleveland-based advertising agencies for clients in consumer, B2B and industrial categories.

What I Love About Kent State

Kent State students are amazing! Each one has an interesting and inspiring story to tell. Behind every door on campus there's a faculty member or staffer with a story that is equally fascinating. 

The atmosphere at Kent State is energizing, powered by the dreams, aspirations and hard work of our students, faculty and staff. 

Fun Facts

Right after I started working at Kent State, I frequently found myself in conversations with people working in other local companies and businesses. When the topic turned to company softball teams, I would surprise people by telling them that the place I work has a softball team, a baseball team, a football team and cheerleaders!