Time to Fight

Inspiration, Hope, Coping, Recovery, Depression, Anxiety, Suicide, Support



“Do you feel trapped by feelings of guilt?

Do they seem to suffocate and sabotage your life?

Me too.

Do you feel powerless, unable to control yourself?

Me too.

Do you hate the darkness and wonder if there’s hope to be found?

Me too.

And I’ve got good news to share--news of freedom, joy, and peace.

You don’t have to keep searching inside yourself for peace and joy.

There’s a man whose name you might know--Jesus of Nazareth.

He came a brought a solution to this inner fight

An outside source of peace and joy!

DON’T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT! Use your mind.

Look for evidence and you might find

Something worth fighting for, someone worth living for

More than you dared to ask for!

No problems will disappear overnight

But a connection to the creator through this guy Jesus has changed my life

Bringing in some joy and light

Slowly, the days have gotten better

Slowly, the joy peaks through

And every morning--something to live for!

--J.L.M., Student

POSTED: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 02:47 PM
Updated: Thursday, September 21, 2023 10:31 AM
