Assignment Details - OLAC Grad Credit

OLAC Analyze, Reflect, Relate, Inquire




Name:  _____________________________                        Date:  ___________________


Module/Webinar Title: __________________________________________  Hours: _________


Directions: Answer each question based on the module/webinar completed. Each answer should be no longer than one paragraph.


  1. Identify at least one theoretical concept, research finding, or theory that formed the foundation for this session.  Using APA rules, cite the resource(s), and provide a summary of what you learned from this session.





  1. Why do you believe this concept, research finding, theory or idea is important to student achievement and/or outcomes?






  1. Apply what you have learned to some aspect of your life, personally or professionally.







  1. What question(s) has been raised for you?  What are you still wondering about?












1 Credit: Professional Learning Plan Assignment Details

  • Write a 3-5 page paper addressing the following:
    • 2 professional learning goals that explore and apply the OLAC modules/webinars content
      • Reflect on their potential effectiveness
    • Explain how you plan to participate in continued professional development
    • Describe how you plan to stay current with research that supports improved student-learning outcomes (be specific)
  • 3 APA citations to support your learning plan
  • Accurate APA citations and grammar/mechanics are expected


2 Credits: Professional Learning Plan Assignment Details

  • Write a 5-7 page paper addressing the following:
    • 3 professional learning goals that explore and apply the OLAC modules/webinars content
      • Reflect on their potential effectiveness
    • Explain how you plan to participate in continued professional development
    • Describe how you plan to stay current with research that supports improved student-learning outcomes (be specific)
  • 3 APA citations to support your learning plan
  • Accurate APA citations and grammar/mechanics are expected



Absent- evidence of this component cannot be found in the assignment document.


Marginally met- There is some attempt to address the component, however, it is limited in scope, is lacking critical information, and/or details are unclear.


Partially met- There is a reasonable attempt to address this component, however, minimal detail is provided or some essential aspects of this component are missing or unclear.


Fully met- All aspects of this component are present, clear, and complete and/or sufficient detail is provided.

Set 2 professional learning goals, based on the OLAC materials, to apply in your school/district and reflect on their potential effectiveness

Describe specific activities to engage in that will support each of your professional learning goals

Plan to stay current with research that supports improved student-learning outcomes, including findings from the learning sciences

Grammar & mechanics

Accurate APA citation

Total Points:



Email all assignments to Dr. Mandy Cenker at mcenker@kent.edu