Become an Exploratory Mentor!

Students walking on the esplandeExploratory Mentors work with first-year Exploratory students in the Exploratory Learning Community located within Lake Hall.

About the Exploratory Learning Community:

The Exploratory Learning Community is a great way for Exploratory students to build connections with their peers and gain access to more support through their career and major exploration. The community is open to all first-year Exploratory students living in Lake Hall, Honors students living in Honors housing, or students commuting to campus.

Why become an Exploratory Mentor?

The Exploratory Mentor position is an integral position within the Exploratory Program in University College. Mentors are responsible for carrying out the mission of the program by helping first-year Exploratory students build community, explore major and careers, develop leadership skills, and achieve academic and college success.

The mentor position has a variety of responsibilities, including providing guidance, motivation, support, role modeling. The mentors meet with students one-on-one and in small groups hosting office hours in Lake Hall. The Mentors also develop and lead specific programming for the community.

Check out what current and past Exploratory Mentors have to share about their mentor experience.


  • Ryan Chema

    Ryan Chema

    Senior Mentor
    Throughout my mentor experience, I saw a major development in my leadership skills. Regularly working with Exploratory students taught me how to interact with people who view me as a leader and how to adjust my leadership style to account for different students. Furthermore, close relationships with other mentors allowed me to learn from their successes and failures.

  • Zoe Sims

    Zoe Sims

    Being an Exploratory Mentor was one of the biggest highlights of my college experience. I learned so much about myself and about my fellow Kent state students, all while gaining valuable leadership skills. I am forever grateful that I was given the opportunity to be a part of the Exploratory Learning Community.

  • Kaitlyn Ginn

    Kaitlyn Ginn

    Being an Exploratory Mentor has been one of the most impactful things that I've done so far at Kent. I've been able to learn so much about myself and my own leadership style while holding this position. I feel so much more connected to Kent's resources, to my peers, and to what I really want to do with my major post-grad. The sense of community that I've gained from being an Exploratory Mentor is something that I hope everyone gets to experience during their time here at Kent.

Exploratory Mentor Application Information

  • Provide support to the Exploratory Learning Community students, including insight and personal experience in major and career exploration, leadership and academic and college success
  • Scheduled shifts in the Exploratory Lounge located in Lake Hall during designated hours weekly.
  • Attend bi-weekly Mentor staff meetings and bi-weekly one-on-one touch-base meetings with supervisor
  • Collaborate with mentor (peers) and Lake Hall Resident Advisors and staff
  • Assist and/or lead programming for the learning community both small and large scale. For example, programming could include planning, hosting, communication, marketing, and assessment
  • Maintain office visits and program reports, logs and forms
  • Represent the learning community program and mentor program at outreach programs and events, e.g., Admissions programs
  • Serve as a liaison between Exploratory students and Exploratory Program in University College
  • Eligible to receive certification from College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA) International Peer Educator Training Program
  • May serve as a Peer Success Mentor for Flashes 101 course (Fall 2024)
  • Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher
  • Completion of the Peer Leader Training Course (or equivalent) by end of spring 2024 semester
  • Enrolled as a full-time student (12 credit hours minimum) each semester for the 2024-2025 academic year
  • Available to serve in the role for the 2024-2025 academic year and training held late spring 2024
  • Former experience as an Exploratory student
  • Former experience participating in the Exploratory Learning Community
  • Knowledge of the needs of first-year Exploratory students
  • January 29, 2024: Online Application Available
  • March 1, 2024: All application materials are due by 5 pm
  • March 4 – March 15, 2024: Mentor candidate interviews
  • March 22, 2024: Mentor staff selection made
  • April 19, 2024: Mandatory Exploratory Mentor staff orientation
  • General application questions (e.g., Name, Pronouns, email, etc.)
  • Responses to questions about yourself and why you would be qualified for the position
  • The name of one KSU faculty or staff member to be sent a reference form