Detailed Information on Activity Evaluation for Merit Awards


1.     Publications -- Weight = 6

a.   The following works will be considered:

  1. book, authored
  2. research monograph, refereed
  3. book, edited
  4. book chapter
  5. journal article, refereed
  6. assessment instrument, published
  7. ancillary materials for text (e.g., workbook, study guide)
  8. journal article, nonrefereed
  9. comment, scholarly
  10. technical report
  11. book or test review
  12. audio-visual/computer materials, copyrighted
  13. letter to the editor, scholarly
  14. encyclopedia entry
  15. other         

b.     Each work will be considered only once.  Each Faculty member may choose whether to have a work considered when it is "in press" or when it appears in print.  It is the Faculty member's responsibility to provide written verification that "in press" works have been accepted in final form by the editor or publisher.

c.     The portion of research effort performed at institutions prior to joining the Kent faculty does not count toward merit at Kent.  New and recent Faculty should indicate explicitly what aspects of the research in each publication were performed at Kent in any cases where there might be uncertainty.

2.   Grant Activity -- Weight = 4

For each grant or grant proposal, provide the following information:

Faculty role (e.g., P.I., Co-P.I., Subcontractor)
Contribution to Department (e.g., GAs, equipment supplies, overhead)


  1. extramural, submitted, not scored
  2. extramural, scored but not funded
  3. extramural, funded
  4. second and later years on a multiyear grant (Is it a competitive continuation?)
  5. University/state proposal, not approved
  6. University/state proposal, approved and funded

3.    Professional Contributions -- Weight = 2

  1. special awards for scholarly or professional achievement (e.g., ABPP, election as fellow of society)
  2. journal editor, consulting editor, and editorial boards (name of journal and position; number of manuscripts handled)
  3. grant review panels (name of panel and agency; number of applications reviewed)
  4. reviews; for each review list the name of the journal, agency, publisher, etc.; indicate how many reviews were performed for each source:

     1.  journal reviews

2.  grant reviews

3.  book reviews for publisher (indicate % of book reviewed)

4.    Presentations/Convention Papers -- Weight = 1

For each presentation indicate your role (presented; attended meeting but did not present; did not attend meeting)

  1. invited papers at national and regional meetings
  2. papers presented at national and regional meetings
  3. scientific papers presented locally (state, University, etc.)
  4. session moderator
  5. symposium organizer
  6. colloquium at another university


5.    Other Research/Scholarly Activities Not Considered Above -- weight to be determined. 

The reporting faculty members must describe the activity and argue for a weight commensurate with those for similar tasks in this evaluation section.



1.  Undergraduate Classroom Teaching -- Weight = 6

a.    List courses taught organized by term; the departmental office will provide results from

       Student Evaluation of Instruction, course syllabi, and distributions of grades.

b.   Teaching recognition

                  1.    national teaching award (e.g., by APA)

                  2.    University/alumni teaching award

                  3.    University/alumni teaching award finalist

                  4.    teaching development grant from KSU

                  5.    College teaching award

c.    Teaching enrichment and development activities

                  1.    attending continuing education workshops (explain how this is related to teaching)

                  2.    consulting that adds to teaching capabilities (explain how this is related to teaching)

                  3.    new methods

                  4.    developing new courses

                  5.    extensive revision of existing courses (describe)

2.  Graduate Teaching -- Weight = 4

a.    List courses taught organized by term; the departmental office will provide results from Student Evaluation of Instruction, syllabi, and grade distributions.

b.   Information can be submitted for teaching recognition and extra teaching as appropriate for graduate classroom teaching.

c.    Clinical Psychology Practicum

Since Clinical Psychological Science Faculty receive teaching load credit for Clinical Psychology Practicum, information relative to it should be included in this section.  The Departmental office will provide student evaluations of practicum, as well as (1). number of students supervised, (2). number of hours per week spent in individual supervision, and (3). number of hours per week spent in group supervision.  Faculty may provide additional information to assist with the evaluation of their practicum supervision.

d.   Teaching enrichment and developmental activities

  1. attending continuing education workshops (explain how this is related to teaching)
  2. consulting that adds to teaching capabilities (explain how this is related to teaching)
  3. new methods
  4. developing new courses
  5. extensive revisions of existing courses (describe)

3.    Thesis, Dissertation and Other Individual Supervision -- Weight = 4

a.   The following information will be provided by the Main Office for each Faculty member for students in our department.  Faculty should provide information for students from other departments.  The activity is to be counted once (when orals or prospectus meeting occurs).

  1. thesis orals advisor
  2. thesis orals committee member
  3. dissertation prospectus advisor
  4. dissertation prospectus committee member
  5. dissertation orals advisor
  6. dissertation committee member

b.  Information about the following should be submitted by the Faculty member:

  1. moderator for dissertation
  2. graduate faculty representative
  3. senior honors thesis advisor
  4. honors thesis co-advisor
  5. honors thesis committee member
  6. Clinical Psychology supervision outside practicum

c.   Independent Study Supervision

The student must not be working on his or her thesis or dissertation or on an assistantship for the reporting Faculty member. 

4.   Advising -- Weight = 1

Included in the advising subcategory is advising about courses, jobs, grad schools, careers, writing recommendations, helping students prepare for interviews, and teaching an orientation class.  Note that the relatively small weight does not reflect the importance of this category; only the difficulty of obtaining valid information.  Faculty should provide numbers for each activity.  It will be difficult to give credit for these activities in the absence of numbers.

a.    advising undergraduate students:

  1. number of conferences with undergraduates for career and academic advising, not related to research and instruction
  2. number of students for whom letters of recommendation were written (list students' names)

b.   advising graduate students:

  1. number of conferences with graduate students for career and academic advising,
  2. not related to research and instruction
  3. number of students for whom letters of recommendation were written (list students' names)

5.   Departmental, College and University Service -- Weight = 5

  1. committee chair
  2. committee member
  3. other (e.g., student organization advisor)
  4. Faculty who receive teaching load credit for administrative responsibilities should list activities and accomplishments during the review period.

6.   Extramural Service -- Weight = 1

  1. office of professional/scientific association
  2. membership on outside committees and panels (e.g., panel developing criteria for licensure, site review team)
  3. professional development not appropriate to be listed under research/scholarship
  4. consulting for outside organizations (list name of organizations and whether paid or unpaid)
  5. lectures and presentations to community organizations
  6. present continuing education workshops

7.   Other Teaching/Service Activities Not Considered Above -- Weight to be Determined

The reporting Faculty member must describe the activity and argue for a weight commensurate with those for similar tasks in this evaluation section.