
Roles of Regional Campus Faculty in Regional Campuses and Kent Campus Governance

All faculty at the Tuscarawas Campus are also regular members of their respective academic units (departments/schools/independent colleges), and their academic colleges, as applicable and they share full faculty rights and responsibilities at the Kent Campus and in the Regional Campuses.

Tuscarawas Campus faculty are represented on key academic unit and/or academic college committees, which include academic unit Faculty Advisory Committees; college Curriculum Committees; Search Committees; Review Committees; Promotion and Tenure Committees; Reappointment Committees; and committees considering curriculum, academic unit or academic college policy, instructional standards, and program development.

Tuscarawas Campus faculty members hold rank within their respective academic units and are therefore reviewed by their unit colleagues for reappointment, tenure, and promotion.  However, when a Tuscarawas Campus Faculty member is awarded tenure, tenure is awarded in the Regional Campuses System only.

Regional Campus faculty members also provide valuable contributions to the governance of the Regional Campuses System. This occurs primarily through the Regional Campuses Faculty Advisory Committee (RCFAC), composed of the Faculty Chairs from each Regional Campus.  This Faculty governance body acts as an advisory and recommendatory committee to the Provost on Regional Campus issues.