Course Name:  ENG 38895 Florence Flash Fiction

Course Description: In this creative writing course, students will read and write very short stories. Referred to variously as flash fiction, sudden fiction, microfiction, etc., these short forms, which range from a paragraph to several pages in length, are a unique literary case. While most fiction abides by certain conventions-- detailed description, causal sequencing, and narrative development that unfolds gradually over many pages— what of fiction that’s super short, lightening quick, and radically compressed? What of scenes, descriptions, and moments of insight that perch on the head of a pin? In this course we’ll read a wide range of contemporary short form examples, and examine their strategies and techniques under a magnifying glass. Some stories will appear quietly and leave a smoldering after effect. Others will explode in your face. Students will learn to approach carefully, read like writers, and build on these studies toward their own creative efforts. The main focus of the class will be on helping students to write their own short, creative fictions via prompts, free writes, experiences, and crafted pieces to be discussed in a supportive, collaborative workshop environment. Voice, style, character, setting, dramatic impact, and how to manage formal concision will be among the craft elements emphasized. Ultimately, students will discover, through study and practice, how very short fiction can challenge and expand possibilities for creative expression.

Credit Hours: 3

Prerequisites:  or .