Karl Idsvoog
Associate Professor Emeritus Karl Idsvoog retired in spring 2022. He spent a career as an investigative reporter/manager in broadcast and online news in Madison, Salt Lake City, Cincinnati, Washington, D.C. and New York. When APBNews.com in New York went bankrupt, he moved into media development, training and education.
He's done training and media development projects for the U.S. Department of State, the International Center for Journalists, Internews, IREX and Radio Free Asia. He's trained journalists in the Republic of Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Myanmar, Egypt, Botswana, Kenya, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tunisia, etc. He continues to do reporting projects for the Drake Group for Academic Integrity and investigative work for attorney Dave Marburger on free press and freedom of speech related cases.
Karl is a widower who has two fabulous kids (daughter and son) and two fabulous grandkids.
University of Wisconsin, Madison, M.A.
Nieman Fellow, Harvard University
- Columbia DuPont Award