
The procedures relating to reappointment, tenure and promotion review are described in the University Policy Register, sections 3342-6-06 to 3342-6-08.  Faculty should familiarize themselves with these documents, as well as with the relevant sections of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.  Before the start of each academic year, the Office of the Provost provides specific guidelines for the preparation and review of reappointment, tenure and promotion cases.  Copies may be obtained from the Department Chairperson. 

Department faculty members are responsible for the collection and submission of documentation that can be utilized to evaluate their file  prior to a re-appointment, promotion or tenure consideration.  Scholarly monographs, edited collections and synthetic works must be published by appropriate presses that conduct anonymous scholarly reviews (vanity presses are not considered appropriate).  The same criterion holds for chapters or portions of books.  The Department is sensitive to the fact that budgetary difficulties are having a serious impact on university and commercial presses which are reducing the number of scholarly publications in hard copy.  Therefore, other outlets for publication of works in the various scholarships, such as online publication, are acceptable if subjected to the same scholarly peer review described above.  

Untenured tenure-track Assistant Professors shall demonstrate substantial progress toward the receipt of the terminal degree, if not yet attained, and show at reappointment reviews across-the-board evidence of excellence in teaching, scholarly productivity and community and University service.

All untenured full-time tenure-track faculty positions at Assistant Professor level are renewable annually for a maximum of six (6) years.  

The criteria used by the Department in determining its expectations for promotion and/or tenure are as follows:

1.    In order to be considered for promotion and/or tenure, an individual must possess at least the minimum academic credentials, i.e., a terminal degree, a publication record and experience.  (See the TT CBA.)

2.    The three areas that provide the evaluative criteria are teaching, scholarship, and service.