Sometimes employees have other insurance through their parents or a spouse/domestic partner. If you have other insurance, you are welcome to opt-out of university coverage, and you might even be eligible for opt-out incentive payments of $50 per pay ($100 per month, up to $1,200 per year).
Remember that opting out means that you chose not to receive medical, vision, prescription, and dental benefits through Kent State. To receive the cash incentive, your alternate coverage cannot be through Kent State’s insurance, and you must submit an affidavit of alternate coverage every year.
If you opt-out and lose insurance coverage during the plan year, that loss is considered a Qualifying Event, and you will have a 31 day opportunity to enroll at Kent State.
If you have any questions about this or other benefits topics, you’re always welcome to connect with the Employee Benefits office. Call us at 330-672-3107 or email