
3 - 09.1

Administrative policy regarding transcript maintenance

  1. Purpose. The integrity of academic transcripts is fundamental to the validity of coursework and degrees certified by the university.
  2. Operational procedures.
    1. All student transcript entries (grades and other notations) are finalized when the pertinent degree is officially posted to the permanent academic record.
    2. Subsequent revision and alteration of any transcript entry, after the relevant degree is awarded, is permitted only for the correction of a proven error as certified by the appropriate academic dean and the registrar.
    3. Degrees are officially posted to the permanent academic record following the effective date of graduation. Visit the University Registrar website for the degree-posting deadline.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 19, 2024
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
1/25/1991, 9/19/2005, 3/1/2015