Incoming Student are Thinking About It

Beginning in the Fall 2017, all incoming students were asked to participate in an online training around healthy relationship, sex in college, partying smart, and sexual violence.  "Think About It" takes about 90 minutes to complete and provides an interactive and engaging platform to learn.  Students who participated had positive experiences with the module.  Comments from students included: 

  • "It’s good to have a course that doesn't hold back on any details to show the reality of what happens in college and the responsibilities we have to keep the campus safe."

  • "This module was designed in a way that made things fun and interactive while very informative!"

  • "I enjoyed how this course was not all about don't do drugs, drink, or have sex. it was more along the lines of "hey if you're going to do this that's your decision and here is how to be safe and do it right."

"Think About It" brought knowledge to incoming student that they may not have received previously.  Sharing information about elements of a healthy relationship from communication to boundaries, 93% of students reported that the course gave them a fuller understanding of what a healthy relationship looks like.  Additionally "Think About It" discussed what campus culture about sex and sexual assault look like.  91% reported that the course helped them better understand campus sexual culture. 

Continuing to change culture and keep Kent State's campuses safe, this year's incoming class is filled with bystanders, ready to step in and look out for their classmates.  98.8% of students who participated said they would stop a friend from going home with someone they didn't know well if I thought they were too drunk.  While 96.1% would step in and offer to help someone I didn't know.  

Think About It is brought to Kent State as a collaboration with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Human Resources, Student Affairs & Finance and Administration.

The messages from "Think About It" won't end with the online module.  Throughout the academic year, we will continue to reinterate education around healthy relationship, consent and bystander action.


POSTED: Monday, September 18, 2017 06:00 PM
Updated: Saturday, December 3, 2022 01:02 AM