Special Interest

Kent State Furries

Kent State Furries is a club where individuals can meet together in a non-discriminatory setting. This club is available for the sole purpose of creating an accepting community and environment for students who are a part of the furry community.
Center for Student Involvement

Curtain Call

This organization will produce student-run theatre productions in order to give students outside of the School of Theatre and Dance more opportunities to pursue theatre as a hobby, although this organization is not exclusive to non-theatre majors.
Center for Student Involvement

Kent State Sourdough Club

This is a fun, laid back group of students who meet once a month to discuss the sourdough community. We will share how we're succeeding with our sourdough starters, and bring joy to campus by celebrating bread.
Center for Student Involvement

Kent State Board Game Society

KSU board game club.
Center for Student Involvement

Council for Exceptional Children

The purpose of the organization is to improve the quality of life for individuals with exceptionalities and their families through professional excellence and advocacy.
Center for Student Involvement

Students Opposing Speciesism

We are a PETA-backed movement dedicated towards fighting for animal rights.
Center for Student Involvement


A group on the Kent Main campus for trans-identified students and allies.
Center for Student Involvement

KSU Cosplay Club

Welcome! This is safe space for cosplayers or those interested in cosplay. Join for chill meetings where we’ll talk about upcoming conventions, cosplans, and share a mutual love for cosplay! Everyone is welcome to join, hope to see you there.
Center for Student Involvement

Kent State Pokémon League

Center for Student Involvement

Black Squirrel Mafia

Mafia is a murder mystery card game based on purging the secret mafia members from the town. It's a game of strategy, deception, and teamwork that encourages large groups to get together and have a great time.
Center for Student Involvement