Projects Completed in 2017
Accessibility Improvements for Building Entrances and Restroom Entrances
Twenty-two (22) buildings on the Kent Campus received building entrance and restroom entrance accessibility and access control improvements to better serve students, faculty, staff and visitors. The design-build team documented each building鈥檚 existing conditions, designed locations for access control equipment and raceways, designed door hardware replacements, designed and documented access control system, installed all access control and accessibility hardware and commissioned the integrated systems. Phase 1 of the project was completed late spring in the following buildings: Bowman Hall, Business Administration Building, Cartwright Hall, Child Development Center, Franklin Hall, Henderson Hall, Kent Center for the Performing Arts, Kent Hall and South Wing, Library, Liquid Crystal Materials Sciences Building, Lowry Hall, Mathematical Sciences Building, McGilvrey Hall, Memorial Athletic and Convocation Center, Merrill Hall, Moulton Hall, Nixson Hall, Ritchie Hall, Rockwell Hall and White Hall. Satterfield Hall and the MACC Annex were completed before the start of Fall Semester. Regency Construction Services, Inc. served as the design-builder of this project.
College of Podiatric Medicine Balustrade and Partial Roof Replacement
The College of Podiatric Medicine's two, upper-level flat roofs surrounding the cupola, the main entrance portico flat roof, two small balcony roofs and soffits, and all of the decorative balustrades and supporting structures at these locations were replaced. The size and shapes of the architectural details were replicated to maintain the appearance and character of the building as originally designed in 1979. Minor modifications were designed to meet building code requirements; the railing systems were designed to meet height and loading requirements so as to provide fall protection for workers at each level. The replacement systems utilize approved, long-lasting materials to provide a more sustainable and maintenance-free installation. The shingled roof on the south face and dormers of the center building section were replaced. The exterior lighting of the cupola was replaced with high-efficiency LED lighting and controls. The Architects, Inc. served as the Criteria A/E and Regency Construction Services, Inc. was the design-builder for this project.
C-Science Commuter Parking Lot Expansion
The C-Science commuter parking lot on the Kent Campus was expanded to accommodate space for an additional 140 cars in the adjacent Johnston Drive parking lot. Perrin Asphalt Company's construction was completed in October. This project was designed by Environmental Design Group, LLC.
DeWeese Health Center Renovations for Kent State of Wellness
The lower level, where SAS was formerly located, of DeWeese Health Center was renovated as phase 1 of this project. The second floor Health Promotion area will also be renovated for additional Psychological Services patient rooms, as phase 2. New walls that reach up to the ceiling were installed, necessitating abatement, upgrades to HVAC, plumbing, lighting, controls, fire alarm system, and finishes to individual spaces sized such that they can function as office and/or clinic rooms. Stitle Construction Corporation's construction was completed in December. This project was designed by David Ports Architect, Inc.
Dix Stadium and Murphy-Mellis Fields Turf Replacements
The Dix Stadium (Football) and Murphy-Mellis (Field Hockey) fields had reached beyond their life expectancies and were presenting both drainage and safety concerns. The Dix Stadium Field was replaced with an infill turf system with minor modifications to base and drainage systems. The Murphy-Mellis Field was replaced with low profile turf; SCG Fields completed on-site work in August. AstroTurf Corporation completed on-site construction in early September. This project was designed by ThenDesign Architecture, Ltd.
East Liverpool Mary Patterson Building Nursing Office Renovation
The project involved the renovation of ten (10) private offices in the Mary Patterson Building for the faculty and administrative functions of the 黑料网 at East Liverpool Nursing Program. Alex Downie & Sons Company's construction was completed this summer. This project was designed in-house by the Office of the University Architect.
East Liverpool Purinton Hall Window Replacement
At the East Liverpool Campus, the windows in Purinton Hall were replaced with an energy-efficient, thermally-broken, fixed aluminum storefront system with insulated glazing. AB Specialties, Inc. dba AB Window and Door's on-site construction is nearing completion. This project was designed in-house by the Office of the University Architect.
Foundations of Excellence
The last of the Foundations of Excellence projects were completed by the Fall of 2017. Foundations of Excellence was Kent State鈥檚 bold investment in its short- and long-term future 鈥� especially in the future success of our students, faculty and staff, and in the success of the region served by our eight campuses. With projects ranging from the construction of new buildings to environmentally conscious upgrades, were part of an effort that is truly historic in size, scope and significance. Every Foundations of Excellence project was all about Kent State鈥檚 top priority: ensuring the student success of every student, while they are here and long after they become proud alumni. It was about giving our students the best chance to succeed by providing them with world-class facilities for learning and living: classrooms, laboratories, studios, libraries, study spaces, residence halls and athletics facilities. At a pivotal time in higher education, 黑料网 demonstrated its commitment to a learner-centered environment where students, faculty and staff can thrive. The exciting developments on our campuses mirror the exciting projects in the city of Kent and in many communities served by our Regional Campuses.
Geauga Main Classroom Building Roof Replacement
At the Geauga Campus, the Main Classroom Building's deteriorating roofing system, including the insulation, cover board, membrane and flashing were removed and replaced and minor masonry repairs were completed. Tusing Builders' on-site construction was completed this summer. This project was designed by Van Auken Akins Architects, LLC.
Lake and Olson Halls Roof and HVAC Replacements and Student Room Improvements
For the interiors of both Lake and Olson Halls, their two-pipe HVAC systems were replaced with new, four-pipe systems and new fan coil units. Improvements to the student rooms and corridors included abatement of flooring material, installation of new carpeting, and painting the walls. For the exteriors of Lake and Olson Halls, their roofs were removed and replaced with new roofing systems. These are design-build projects and punch list work were completed during winter break. Braun & Steidl, Architects, Inc. served as the criteria architect for both of these projects. The Ruhlin Company served as the design-builder.
MAC Center Fire Alarm System Replacement
The entire fire alarm system at the Memorial Athletic and Convocation Center (MAC Center) was replaced and the facilities were upgraded to meet current code requirements. B & J Electric of Poland completed work this winter. This project was designed by EPIC Engineering Group, LLC.
Moulton Hall Renovations for Public Health
To provide properly-equipped lab, instructional, and supporting research space for continued growth of the College of Public Health and to consolidate COPH from disjointed areas of campus, the north wing of Moulton Hall was renovated. Work included painting and installation of carpeting in the Dean's suite on the first floor, new instructional labs and associated support space on the second floor, and new research lab, BSL-3 simulation lab and associated support space on the third floor. Stitle Construction Corporation's on-site construction was completed at the end of September. This capitally funded project was designed by Payto Architects, Inc.
Multiple Science Buildings Renovations and Addition
The construction of a new Integrated Sciences Building (ISB) and the renovations of three existing science buildings, Cunningham, Smith and Williams halls, were developed as a single project to provide a cohesive approach to science instruction and research space in these areas. Ayers/Saint/Gross, Incorporated, the Architect of Record, designed and providing project management for all phases of the project. The Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing engineering firm, Prater Engineering, was under contract with the Architect of Record. Turner Construction Company served as Construction Manager at Risk. In addition, separate consultants were under contract to assist Kent State on this project: The Ruhlin Company served as the Major Construction Program Manager, Karpinski Engineering, Inc. was the Commissioning Agent, and Doty & Miller Architects & Planners, Inc. was the LEED Process Consultant. These projects will be registered with the USGBC for minimum Silver LEED certification. The following are details for each individual building:
Cunningham Hall Renovations (Biological Sciences)
Major facility repairs were completed Fall Semester 2016 in Cunningham Hall that address the building envelope, life safety systems, HVAC system replacements and building electrical infrastructure systems. Additionally, selected instruction laboratories were completely renovated. A new ADA elevator and lobby addition were installed. The instructional laboratories were included in the construction effort as well.
Integrated Sciences Building
The Integrated Sciences Building project construction commenced last fall with the initial site utility, excavation and deep foundation package. The second GMP Amendment work for the balance of the building was completed and the new ISB was opened for Fall Semester 2017 classes. A shelled-out basement was accepted by JPOC as an add alternate to the project. This shelled-out space will provide for future research growth in the building. The Integrated Sciences Building Grand Opening was held on Friday, September 15, 2017.
Smith Hall Renovations (Physics)
In Smith Hall, major facility repairs were completed that addressed the building envelope, life safety systems and HVAC system replacements. Additionally, selected instruction laboratories were completely renovated to enhance instruction and the student experience in the building. Construction of a previous building envelope package was completed last spring which included concrete and masonry restoration and a roof replacement. Matching the current budget and with the support of the JPOC, the final scope of the remaining renovation work was identified for this building. An extensive effort was undertaken to replace the former two-pipe hydronic mechanical system with a modern, forced-air system more suitable for a modern research and instructional building. In addition, a major restroom renovation corrected the accessibility, gender and fixture count issues from the original building design. Smith Hall was ready for Fall Semester 2016 and the Physics Department returned to the building from their temporary location on the fifth floor of the Library.
Williams Hall Renovations (Chemistry and Biochemistry)
Major facility repairs were completed in Williams Hall to address the building envelope, life safety systems, HVAC system replacements and building electrical infrastructure systems. Additionally, selected instruction laboratories were completely renovated to enhance instruction and the student experience in the building. The air handler replacement, vacuum pump and air compressor work was completed in the basement. Work associated with the connection of Williams Hall to the Integrated Sciences Building followed a similar schedule to the ISB, which started last September with demolition of the western entry canopy and south stair tower. With the support of the JPOC, the final scope of the remaining renovation work was identified for this building to align with the proposed budget. Williams Hall was completed and ready for the start of Fall 2017 classes.
Rockwell Hall Air Handling Unit 3 Replacement
The failing, roof-mounted air handling unit number 3 was removed and replaced with an energy-efficient model. Building Integrated Services, LLC on-site construction was completed this summer. This project was designed in-house by the Office of the University Architect.
Rockwell Hall Tunnel Concrete Repairs
Sections of the Rockwell Hall tunnel's concrete lid that were spalling and deteriorated were removed and replaced. Daniel A. Terreri & Sons, Inc. completed construction mid-summer. This project was designed by Thorson Baker and Associates, Inc.
Schwartz Center Career Services Renovation
Additional space was needed for University College in the Center for Undergraduate Excellence (CUE). Relocating some of the staff to the Schwartz Center was achieved by building-out offices within the existing Career Services suite 261 and eliminating some over-sized and under-utilized spaces. This project also included aesthetic upgrades to the suite to provide some consistency with the look of the newly-renovated CUE. Feghali Brothers, LLC on-site construction was completed in early October. Career Exploration and Development, including Student Employment, was closed Oct. 3 and 4 for the move back to 261 Schwartz Center. Full services resumed at 8 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 5. This project was designed by Domokur Architects.
Stark Library Ceiling and Lighting Replacements and Sprinkler Installation, Phase 1
At the Stark Library, ceilings and lighting were replaced and a sprinkler system installed in the main floor and half of the second floor. SPG, Inc. dba St. Clair/Pavlis Group's construction was completed this summer. This project was designed by PTA Engineering, Inc.
Student Center Air Handling Units 8, 8 1/2 and 9 Replacements
The Student Center's existing air handling units AC-8, AC-8 1/2, and AC-9 were at the end of their life span and failing. This project replaced the units, modified the existing ductwork, replaced the valving and piping to the units, and updated the controls for the units. The new units provide the necessary ventilation requirements and increase performance with reduced energy consumption. Mielke Mechanical's work was completed this summer. This project was designed by Scheeser Buckley Mayfield, LLC.
Taylor Hall Rehabilitation
The 65,564 square foot Taylor Hall on the Kent Campus formerly housed the College of Architecture and Environmental Design (CAED), the College of the Arts, the School of Communication Studies, and the May 4 Visitors' Center. Built in 1967, this facility had undergone several partial renovations; however, many portions of the building and its infrastructure were original. A large portion of the building was vacated last summer when the CAED moved into their new building. The configuration and needs of the building were accessed and the rehabilitation of the building was investigated to house the School of Visual Communications Design (VCD), as well as the other departments that will remain within the building. Some programmatic functions of VCD are still housed in the adjacent MACC Annex building. The overall plan for this building addressed the condition of the existing facilities, as well as overall campus planning goals. Jeffrey Carr Construction's work was completed by the start of Fall Semester 2017. Visual Communications and Design moved into their newly renovated space for the start of Fall Semester 2017. Visual Communication Design celebrated the reopening of Taylor Hall on Thursday, September 21, 2017. This project was designed by Bialosky + Partners Architects, LLC.
Terrace Hall Second Floor Renovations
The second floor of Terrace Hall was prepared to accommodate studio space for 200 fashion students which was made available for use for Fall Semester 2017 classes. Selective demolition opened-up the floor plan for larger studio spaces; the ceiling is an exposed structure. Floor and wall finishes were modest with the majority of the construction focused on space reconfiguration and MEP infrastructure. The project scope was limited to the second floor and penthouse. The first floor was occupied by ROTC throughout construction. DS Architecture served as the Criteria Architect/Engineer for this project. Regency Construction Services, Inc. served as the Design-Builder.
Tri-Towers Rotunda Interior Remodel and Windows Replacement
The Rotunda, the central hub of the Tri-Towers complex, houses Residence Services Area Desk, Rosie鈥檚 Diner, Tech Spot Help Desk and Architecture Studio. This project completed the exterior renovations of the Tri-Towers complex by replacing and upgrading all exterior window systems. The interiors received a series of upgrades including the remodeling of the Area Desk; providing new office spaces, a centralized laundry facility on the second floor, tutoring and program spaces on the second floor, and a satellite recreation center for residents. Construction work began during summer of 2016 with the area desk. The second floor improvements commenced Fall Semester 2016, after the Architecture Studio moved out. All work will be complete by Fall Semester 2017. The building was being occupied during construction. Recent Tri-Towers improvements already planned for the electrical expansion needed to achieve the centralized laundry; this work created a new second floor electric room with connections back to the main switch gear. The Office of the University Architect provided the architectural criteria while Scheeser Buckley Mayfield, LLC served as the Criteria Engineer. Gilbane Building Company served as the Design-Builder.
Trumbull Library-Theater Building HVAC Replacement
The existing air handling units for the Trumbull Library-Theater Building had operated beyond their useful lives, falling short of the building's performance needs. Coils and drain pans were leaking, and valves and controls needed replaced; this replacement improves energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and reliability of the air distribution system for this facility. The two, multi-zone air handling units were removed and replaced with two new units, including new VFDs, associated piping, valving, controls, and ductwork. Antenucci, Inc.'s construction was completed this summer. This project was designed by Karpinski Engineering, Inc.
Trumbull Main Classroom Building Roof Replacement
The Trumbull Campus Main Classroom Building's roofing system and large building fascia were removed and replaced. Terik Roofing, Inc.'s on-site construction was completed at the end of fall. This project was designed by Braun & Steidl, Architects, Inc.
Tuscarawas Founders Hall A-Wing Cooling Tower Replacement
Tuscarawas Founders Hall's cooling tower in the A-Wing was well beyond its life expectancy and replacement parts for the unit were no longer available, thus the cooling tower was replaced. Synergy, LLC's construction was completed this summer. This project was designed by PTA Engineering, Inc.
Verder Hall HVAC and Student Room Improvements
Verder Hall was dedicated in 1957. With this project, Residence Services wants to replace the HVAC system and make student room improvements. The proposed project would involve renovations to the first floor studio spaces. The existing asbestos-containing floor tile within the resident rooms and corridors would be replaced with carpet tile floor finishes. Demolition of the existing, two-pipe heating-only units with the installation of new, four-pipe heating and air conditioning fan coil units along with the associated piping, power and temperature control infrastructure would extend chilled water from Prentice Hall to Verder Hall. All heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems will be designed to meet the university鈥檚 energy and sustainability goals. The Project and Cost of Work value included the renovation of the first floor. The Program of Requirements (POR) was developed by the Criteria Architect/Engineer - an in-house team from the Office of the University Architect. Turner Construction Company served as the Design-Builder and worked on this project up to the Construction Documents Stage.
Verder Hall Roof and Exterior Masonry Repairs
Verder Hall's existing roof was removed and replaced. Masonry on the south and east facade of Verder Hall was repaired. The NE stair exterior masonry wall was completely rebuilt. The reroofing drawings and specifications were completed in-house by the Office of the University Architect and drawings for the exterior repair work were drafted by THP Limited, Inc. Kalkreuth Roofing and Sheet Metal's on-site construction was completed this summer.
White Hall Ramps Structural Repairs
Years of salt and water infiltration had corroded and deteriorated steel and masonry connections at the underside of both ramp entries to the first floor of White Hall. This project, designed in-house by the Office of the University Architect, provided structural remediation for the failing steel structural and masonry at the ramps of White Hall. JADCO Construction Services' on-site construction work was completed this summer.