College of Aeronautics & Engineering You are here Kent Advanced Materials and Liquid Crystal Institute Affiliated Faculty Aeronautics & Engineering Image Ali Abdul-Aziz, Ph.D., Fellow ASME, ASNT, P.E. Associate Professor aabdula3@kent.edu330-672-1032 Image Yanhai Du, Ph.D. Professor ydu5@kent.edu330-672-1910 Image Michael Fisch, Ph.D. Associate Professor mfisch@kent.edu330-672-9388 Image Joycelyn Harrison, Ph.D. jharr130@kent.edu330-672-3957 Image Dhruba Panthi, Ph.D. Associate Professor dpanthi@kent.edu330-308-7485 Affiliated Faculty Materials Science Graduate Program Aeronautics & Engineering Anthropology Architecture & Environmental Design Biological Sciences Chemistry & Biochemistry Computer Science Fashion Mathematical Sciences Nursing Physics Podiatric Medicine Public Health