Managing Your Artistic Brand

Tuesday, 08 April, 2025 -
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Crawford Hall
John S. and Marlene J. Brinzo Center for Entrepreneurship - Room 116 (first floor)

Danilo Dantas, Professor of Marketing at HEC Montreal and expert in Music Marketing, will conduct an interactive workshop on his Brand Canvas, a tool that analyzes artists' onstage and offstage brand images to create an authentic, legitimate, artistic brand.

The workshop will discuss:

  • What is a brand?
  • What constitutes the brand of an artist?
  • How can you use the Brand Canvas to manage your own personal artistic brand?

This will be an interactive workshop where participants will construct their own artistic brands to help them market themselves and further their careers as artists.

This event is open to all students in the Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship and students in the College of the Arts. RSVP is not required. 


About Danilo Dantas

Danilo Dantas

Danilo Dantas is a Professor of Marketing and the Pedagogical Director of the Graduate Diploma in Management of Cultural Organizations at HEC Montréal, a leading business school in Canada. He serves as Vice-President of the Board of Circuit - Musiques Contemporaines and is a member of the OICRM (Interdisciplinary Observatory of Creation and Research in Music) at the University of Montreal’s Faculty of Music. His research focuses on music marketing, with work published in leading journals such as the Journal of Interactive Marketing, International Journal of Arts Management, and Journal of Public Policy & Marketing.