
Kent Campus

At Kent State, our core values of respect and kindness for all demand that we step up to become part of the conversation that leads to a solution that will dismantle the systemic racism that has plagued our communities throughout history, and our university all too recently.


Student employee - Division of Student Life


AmeriCorps Vista Worker - Division of Student Life


The Center for Public Policy and Health


Assistant Professor - School of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies


Assistant Professor - College of Education, Health and Human Services

Center for Student Involvement

BATSA is an organization for BA theatre students. We offer a safe space for the growth of BA students while also supporting Black Box productions. We will have meetings which members and non-members are welcome to come to. join us for community and fun!

Center for Student Involvement

Kappa Kappa Psi is an honorary band fraternity which strives to help the bands at Kent State through leadership, musicianship, brotherhood and service.

Center for Student Involvement

Chefology is a club dedicated to the students who have a passion for food. We are gaining a deeper knowledge about food and a greater appreciation for it.