
Safety Tips

We want traveling abroad to be a safe, enjoyable experience for our students. Here are some tips for staying safe abroad:

Register your trip abroad

This informs the local embassy of your being abroad and will help you in the event of an emergency in your home country or the country you are visiting. Be smart. Travel safely.

  • Know phone numbers! (School, Consulate, Embassies, etc.)

Stay a well informed world traveler

Investigate the local conditions, laws, legal system, weather, and culture of the country you're visiting. Also, keep an eye out for any Travel Warnings at the U.S. State Department's website.

  • Learn foreign traffic signs. Pedestrian laws might not be the same.

Make copies of your travel documents,

such as your passport, identification, and credit cards, and carry a copy of each with you (separate from the originals) and leave copies at home. Travel smart!

Do your homework

Learn about the museums, sites and landmarks in your destination before you go. Soon you'll be able to explore them all on foot and see for yourself!

  • Try to learn the language. That is part of what makes Study Abroad so fun!

Keep an Open Mind

Everything might be different, but that is what is so great about it!

  • You are a guest in another culture's home. Be respectful!

Stick together

Reluctant to travel overseas by yourself? Consider studying abroad with a close friend. Although study abroad is about stepping outside your comfort zone, you'll still get your share and in good (familiar) company.

  • Always have a buddy.

Dress Smart

Sometimes fashion is not always comfortable... It won鈥檛 be so cute when you can鈥檛 feel your feet! Bring comfy clothes!

  • Don't be a target. Try blending in. You're going abroad for a reason, right?

Pack light and smart

When packing, make sure you've checked your airline's luggage restrictions! And to save lots of room, use travel sized toiletries (you can always buy the regular sized once you get there).

  • Leave your favorite accessories at home. If you love it, don't create the chance to have to miss it forever!

Drink Lots of Water!


In considering your communication options abroad, you should seriously consider getting a Skype account, if you haven't already. The cost is only $10 for international, pay once and you're good to go!

Keep a journal

Either you've already thought of this one or you find it clich茅. But take it from us; it's a fool proof way to remember all of your adventures abroad! (And it'll be fun to read through later.

Set a weekly budget

Money spending in a foreign place can easily get out of hand with the change in currency. Be smart about your spending, and set a realistic, affordable budget for yourself to keep track and stay in control!

  • Know your money! If you don't want to overspend, know the conversion rates!

Get an International Student ID Card (ISIC)

Use it as soon as you land at the airport for commission-free foreign currency, then show it while enjoying restaurants, museums, movies and other sightseeing adventures for discounts! The best part? You can use it when you get home too because it's internationally recognized.

(Some content taken from StudyAbroad.com)