
More than 100 students and alumni from a variety of academic programs attended the annual Hospitality and Event Management Career Fair to explore employment options in related industries.
Hospitality and Event Management Holds Annual Career Fair
More than 100 students and alumni from a variety of academic programs attended the annual Hospitality and Event Management Career Fair to explore employment options in related industries.Image

Four professors from the School of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies recently presented at the annual E2 Conference at Kent State.
EHHS Professors Present at Annual E2 Conference
Four professors from the School of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies recently presented at the annual E2 Conference at Kent State.Image

Three EHHS professors were recently selected by various Kent State student-athletes as their Most Valuable Professors.
EHHS professors named MVPs
Three EHHS professors were recently selected by various Kent State student-athletes as their Most Valuable Professors.Image

As the temperatures continue to hover around freezing, and the sun makes rare appearances, have you noticed yourself feeling unmotivated or having feelings of sadness? Have your friends and family mentioned that you do not seem like yourself? Fortunately, there are resources…
Navigating Seasonal Depression: Mental Health Resources to Help You Through
As the temperatures continue to hover around freezing, and the sun makes rare appearances, have you noticed yourself feeling unmotivated or having feelings of sadness? Have your friends and family mentioned that you do not seem like yourself? Fortunately, there are resources…Image

After a long day in class, a night out or burning the midnight oil studying or working on projects, students may find themselves grabbing whatever food is available. A recently article says eating within three hours of bedtime may cause heartburn, acid reflux symptoms, obesity…
Experts Weigh In: Is Eating Late at Night Bad?
After a long day in class, a night out or burning the midnight oil studying or working on projects, students may find themselves grabbing whatever food is available. A recently article says eating within three hours of bedtime may cause heartburn, acid reflux symptoms, obesity…Image

Dozens of students participated in this year’s GA Days, a three-day event hosted in February by the Higher Education Administration and Student Affairs program for graduate students pursuing graduate assistantships in the M.Ed., Ed.S. and Ph.D. programs.
GA Days Matches Students with Employers for Plum Positions
Dozens of students participated in this year’s GA Days, a three-day event hosted in February by the Higher Education Administration and Student Affairs program for graduate students pursuing graduate assistantships in the M.Ed., Ed.S. and Ph.D. programs.Image

Christa Porter, associate professor in the Higher Education Administration program, recently received The American College Personnel Association's Senior Scholar Award.
Christa Porter receives ACPA Senior Scholar Award
Christa Porter, associate professor in the Higher Education Administration program, recently received The American College Personnel Association's Senior Scholar Award.Image

TLC Professor Lisa Borgerding and students from the ADED science program presented and received awards at the annual conference for Science Education Council of Ohio.
Adolescent and Young Adult Education Professor, Students Recognized at annual symposium
TLC Professor Lisa Borgerding and students from the ADED science program presented and received awards at the annual conference for Science Education Council of Ohio.Image

New Zealand is a breathtaking blend of rugged mountains, lush landscapes and vibrant culture. Anna Thompson, a Master of Arts in Teaching with a focus in Early Childhood Education alumna, found all that and more during her transformative student teaching experience.
Lessons from New Zealand
New Zealand is a breathtaking blend of rugged mountains, lush landscapes and vibrant culture. Anna Thompson, a Master of Arts in Teaching with a focus in Early Childhood Education alumna, found all that and more during her transformative student teaching experience.Image

Jennifer Walton-Fisette, Ph.D., director of the Educator…