Field Experience

What is Field experience?

During the Advanced Study Phase students will engage in a variety of clinical or field experiences (i.e., when you are out in schools or other educational settings) throughout the teacher education program. Field experiences may include observations, small group teaching, or whole class.  Selected field experience placements are arranged between the course instructor and KSU Vacca Office of Student Services. 


Application Window for Field Experience 

ProgramApplying SemesterFor Placement SemesterApplication Window
Early Childhood Blk 3Spring 2025Fall 20252/1/25- 2/10/25
Early Childhood Block 4Spring 2025Fall 20252/1/25- 2/10/25
SPEDSpring 2025Fall 20253/8/25-3/21/25
SPED (GRAD)Spring 2025Fall 20253/8/25-3/21/25



Important Changes for Field Experience and Student Teaching 

Effective July 1, 2024, any individual enrolled in a course that is part of an Educator Preparation Program AND who will be in a Pk-12 classroom as part of the course must obtain a Pre-service Teacher Permit before they are allowed in schools for their Field Experience or Student Teaching assignments.

Pre-Service Permit Process