
Role of Tenured and Tenure-Eligible Library Faculty

In addition to their work as academic librarians, tenured and tenure-eligible faculty conduct scholarly inquiry in the fields of librarianship and related disciplines. Their scholarship and professional involvement serves to enrich their practice and engage them professionally. It is important for academic librarians to contribute meaningfully to the profession, the discipline, and the academic life of their institution. Academic librarians value scholarly publishing, presenting at professional meetings and conferences, participating in scholarly and professional organizations, and serving on departmental, college, and university committees. These faculty also provide leadership in developing and articulating the mission and goals of University Libraries.  

Kent Campus

Each University Libraries Faculty member has specified responsibilities that are designed to support the mission of University Libraries.  These responsibilities, in addition to the scholarly inquiry and service expected of tenured and tenure-eligible Faculty, create the job of each Faculty librarian.  In order to help UL Faculty succeed, Faculty should regularly receive feedback regarding their responsibilities, scholarship and service.  In addition to the formal review processes of reappointment, tenure and promotion, UL Faculty should also have regular discussions with both the head of his or her library unit and the mentor assigned to him or her regarding these areas.  A Faculty member may request from his or her unit head or assigned mentor a written peer evaluation that could be included in a reappointment, tenure or promotion file. 

Regional Campus Librarians and Library Directors

Each Regional Campus has a library with full-time professional librarian staff. All RC directors are librarians with administrative appointment and faculty rank. They manage the RC libraries and may also fulfill other administrative duties. The Regional Campus librarians and library directors are members of the faculty of University Libraries. As such, these faculty members have duties and responsibilities to both their regional campus and to University Libraries. Like all Kent Campus UL faculty, the tenure-eligible and tenured Regional Campus librarians and library directors are expected to demonstrate evidence of scholarly activity, meeting the same tenure and promotion standards as Kent Campus UL faculty.

Approved by University Libraries Faculty, 05/19/09
Approved by the Provost, 08/07/09
Approved by University Libraries Faculty, 12/14/11
Approved by the Provost, 05/02/12

Revised and Approved by University Libraries Faculty, 5/8/13