
The Climate Research in Synoptic Environments (ClimRISE) Lab's research expertise spans the topics of Global Climate Change, Applied Climate Science, and Synoptic Climatology, with specific applications to extreme temperature events, biometeorology, non-traditional indicators of climate change, sea-level variability, lightning, and precipitation characteristics, among others.  Please contact the Lab PI, Dr. Cameron C. Lee, to get involved!

The Community Geography Lab is a physical and virtual space that encourages and facilities mapping for and by local community members.  Our purpose is to facilitate knowledge transfer between academics and non-academics, students and faculty, and beyond.  Online you will find accessible mapping resources, including open-source software and up-to-date data files, with the goal of being the campus and community clearinghouse for spatial data.  In-person activities will be focused on mapping through collaboration and education using maps and the mapping process that together will encourage engagement and discussion about shared social and environmental challenges at Kent State, the city of Kent, and other communities in Northeast Ohio.  Please contact the Lab PI, Dr. Jennifer Mapes, to get involved!

The ​Remote Sensing and ​​Land Science (SensLand) Lab's research focuses on using remote sensing, spatial analysis, ​and modeling approaches to better understand how humans have transformed land systems​.  Recent projects investigate the impacts of armed conflict on land use, cropland abandonment, and grassland management at a regional to global scale.  Please contact the Lab PI, Dr. He Yin, to get involved!