Saying goodbye was more difficult than Riley Jernejcic could have ever imagined. Crouched down on the cobblestone street with her arms stretched out from one end to the other, Jernejcic cried out, “Adios. Abrazo,” which means goodbye and hug in Spanish. About 50 feet away, a little boy, known as Wilder, came running up the hill. “He jumped into my arms and we both started to cry,” Jernejcic said. “I’ll never forget him. He made such an impact on my life.” Jernejcic, a junior at , is one of 20 Kent State students who dedicated part of the summer to help imp...

’s Summit Professor of Learning Technologies Richard Ferdig has spent a lot of his time at Kent State using technology to improve teaching and learning environments. Ferdig’s contributions to technological advancement are the reason he was named one of the recipients of the 2016 Outstanding Research and Scholarship Award. The Outstanding Research and Scholarship Award honors Kent State’s exceptional researchers and scholars. The University Research Council and the Division of Research and Sponsored Programs selected Ferdig along with two other recipients based on their qu...

Kupita/Transiciónes (K/T) is a free, four-day cultural orientation program for newly admitted students from various ethnic, racial and cultural backgrounds.     ...

Virginia Dressler, University Libraries, presented “Lending a Hand to Local Historical Societies: How Academic Libraries Can Reach Out to Local Historical Societies to Highlight Regional History” at the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Annual Conference in Columbus, Ohio, on Aug. 15, 2016. ...

Rozell Renee Hill Duncan, age 67, born in Cleveland, Ohio, died on Aug. 15, 2016.

Rozell is survived by her loving husband, David Duncan; her daughter, Yolanda Duncan; her son-in-law, Allie Wims; two beautiful granddaughters, Allison and Alexis Wims; her grandson, her great-granddaughter and a host of friends and extended family.

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