Institutes and Initiatives

Cotton in the Curriculum Awards Grant to School of Fashion for the Fourth Year in a Row

Biological Sciences receive NIH Funding to Study Cancer Drug Resistance
For students going into the medical research field, having a chance to learn, succeed, fail and be inspired under the supervision of an accomplished researcher during their education is a priceless experience. This experiential learning would not be possible without outside funding, and now, students in Manabu Kurokawa’s lab can elevate their efforts thanks to a grant awarded to the group.

Center for Ecology and Natural Resource Sustainability highlights the Importance of Natural Lands

Taking a Deep Dive Into the Utilization of Oceanic Sediments
One of ’s newest faculty members in the Department of Geology has already made her mark with the recent publication of her and her colleagues’ work to better understand the effects of global warming as it relates to the arctic ocean. Allyson Tessin, assistant professor, specializes in biochemistry, oceanography and sedimentary geology. She is currently studying the relationship between the chemistry of the ocean and climate change.

COVID-19 Study Urges Precaution in College Students
As the COVID-19 pandemic approaches a one-year mile marker, the temptation and opportunity to socialize, party, and indulge in public events grows increasingly stronger. Associate Professor Clarissa Thompson received a grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences to reinforce the dangers of the virus to the public.

Professor Receives NIH Grant to Automate Biomedical Data Processing
In the medical field, demand for technological advances that can speed data analysis and be less prone to human error continues to increase. Robert Clements recently received a federal grant to continue his work creating a more efficient and improved system to analyze medical data that will benefit not only the biomedical industry but also students at Kent State.

‘Global Understanding’ Brings Cultural Awareness to Northeast Ohio
is merging research with global connections in the Global Understanding Research Initiative (GURI). The recently displayed “We the People” and the upcoming “Import/Export” exhibition provide cultural kaleidoscopes with local and international reflectors.

Kent State Researchers Challenge the Growing Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Problem With New Compound
“The pessimistic estimate is that by 2050, antibiotics could be obsolete,'' said Songping Huang, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in the College of Arts and Sciences. Huang and his Kent State team, including Min-Ho Kim, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, are working on closing that chasm with the development of new antimicrobials.

Kent State Researchers Use Liquid Crystal to Control Bacteria Movement
A liquid crystal research group at Kent State led by Oleg Lavrentovich, Ph.D., is knocking on the doors of the biomedical industry with its current project. The recent publication of research explains a technique of controlling bacteria movement with liquid crystal structures that could have a potential impact in many areas of research and medical care.

Biological Sciences Faculty Take on Invasive Plant Species of Ohio in New Book
Three faculty members in 's Department of Biological Sciences recently co-authored a 384-page hardcover book, “Problem Plants of Ohio,” published by the Press.