Student Organizations

There are many active Student Organizations in the School of Theatre and Dance. They provide service to the school, raise funds for student activities and provide social and leadership opportunities for students.

All In[clusive]

President: Dakota Michael
Vice President: Ezra Silkes
Secretary: Xavier Heipp
Member at Large: Arianna Seiloff
Faculty Advisor:

Follow All In[clusive] on Instagram:

Alpha Psi Omega

President: Madison Shannon
Vice President: Casper Dickey
Treasurer: Jenna Conely
Secretary: Nicole Berrios-Parga
Historian: Addie DeSanto
Faculty Advisor: Paul Hurley

Bachelor of Arts Theatre Student Alliance (BATSA)

President: Tessa Sobolewski
Faculty Advisor: Paul Hurley

Black Theatre Association

President: Aylah Mendenhall
Co-Vice President: Ebone Jones
Co-Vice President: Alexis Wilson
Secretary/Treasurer: Kia Render
Public Relations Representative: Noah Brock
Member at Large: Collin Geter
Faculty Advisor: Tom Humes

Instagram: @btakentstate
Twitter: @BtaKsu
Facebook: Kent State Black Theatre Association

Cue to Cue

President: Daniel Braun
Vice President: Kathryn Rowland
Secretary: Tomie Cotterman
Treasurer: Jack Drinan
Advisor: Jeff Polunas

Curtain Call

President: Hailey Strnad
Vice President: Avery Wrentmore
Treasurer: Ally Nolan
Social Media: Alexa Warmuth
Advisor: Courtney Brown

East Meets West

President: Erin Conner
Vice President: Amelia Skowron
Treasurer: Abigail Orcutt
Faculty Advisor: Jeffrey Rockland


Flashes Elite Dance Team

President: Allie Greco
Vice President: Emma Caputo
Secretary: Kaylee Abel
Advisor: Jennifer Black

Grad Student Forum

President: Sara Anne Tomczak
Vice President: Brian Seckfort
Treasurer: Trais Williams
Faculty Advisor: Yuko Kurahashi

Latin/X in Theatre

President: Gigi Motta
Vice President: Kristiana Corona
Faculty Advisor: Fabio Polanco

Musical Theatre Student Organization (MTSO)

President: Casper Dickey
Officers: Drew Fitzgerald, Chloe Hall
Social Media: Gigi Motta
Faculty Advisor: Jonathan Swoboda

Student Dance Education Organization (SDEO)

Vice President: 
Event Coordinators: 

SETT (Students Enhancing Technical Theatre)

On Hiatus

Stage Management Forum

President: Granger Cavanaugh
Vice President: Lexi Snoddy
Secretary: Kenzie James
Treasurer and Historian: Amanda Rearick
Public Relations: Reilly Masi
Advisor: Karl Erdmann

Get in Touch with Stage Management Forum:

Instagram: @kent_smforum

Facebook: KSU Stage Management Forum (FB page, not account)

Email: ksustagemanagement@gmail.com

Transforum Theatre

President: Srikar Bellana
Vice President: Kimberly Finkel
Faculty Advisor: Amy Fritsche

Women in Theatre

President: Israeljah (Aylah) Mendenhall
Vice President: Cassidy DeVol
Secretary: Allie Sheski
Marketing Director / PR: Alexis Wilson
Programming Director: Lexi DiLucia
Advisor: Courtney Brown