BHRI Research Facilities & Collaboratories


To foster interdisciplinary research about the brain, the BHRI takes a different, non-traditional approach to space, creating shared research facilities in the ISB Lower Level. With state-of-the-art equipment and flexible lab space, the facilities will enable researchers from diverse disciplines to bring their collective talents to bear on important, unresolved questions about the brain and brain diseases. 

The space is broken down into four distinct areas:

  • The Neurocognitive Collaboratory, a flexible shared core facility for studies of human brain functions, including cognition, memory, hearing and movement, in health and disease.
  • The Neuroimaging Collaboratory, a shared core facility with state-of-the-art equipment to allow detailed visualization of the brain and nervous system.  This facility includes a light sheet microscope, currently the only one in Northeast Ohio, for 3D imaging of human and animal brains.
  • The Multi-Investigator Labs, "labs without walls" for newly recruited and future BHRI faculty, their trainees and staff to carry out collaborative neuroscience research.
  • The Student Bullpen, carrels and informal meeting areas for BHRI undergraduate fellows and graduate students as well as visiting scientists.

In addition to these research facilities, the ISB Lower Level is the home base for BHRI related activities and includes a lobby, a conference room and other formal and informal gathering spaces. 

To reserve the ISB lower-level conference room (ISB 070) or the ISB lower-level lobby (ISB 069) for an event, and with any questions, please contact Lolita Winning at 330-672-3331 or lsorokou@kent.edu.