Dialogue and Difference

Dialogue and Difference: A New Understanding is an ongoing initiative that will engage our community and advance our core values of freedom of expression, respect, and kindness in all that we do. The Division of People, Culture and Belonging is partnering with the School of Peace and Conflict Studies and the Division of Student Life to deliver a series of educational programs that will feature diverse perspectives and aim to help us better understand each other.
Programs will be added throughout the year. Follow DPCB social media and Faculty/Staff News Now for updates.
Upcoming Programs:
2024 Engagement and Well-Being Survey Preliminary Results
April 9, 2025
Kent Student Center, Ballroom Balcony & Virtual
Sue Rankin and Becky Crandall of Rankin Climate will be on the Kent Campus to present the results of the 2024 Engagement and Well-Being Survey. Understanding the varied experiences of our community is a critical part of continuing to improve how we work toward creating a more inclusive and equitable campus environment. The 2024 Engagement and Well-Being Survey builds upon previous climate studies taken by the Kent State community in 2016 and 2021. The 2024 survey data will allow us to benchmark student, staff and faculty sense of belonging throughout the years and identify barriers to engagement. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the presentation.
Past Programs:
MLK & Me: Living a Life of Love and Peace During Conflict
Daniel Diaz Nilsson, Jacquelyn Bleak, Dominique Hill, Ed.D., Elizabeth Smith-Pryor, Ph.D., Sonya Williams
February 1, 2024
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Dialogue on Hatred: A Peacebuilder's Perspective
Tatsushi Arai, Ph.D.
Campus life in the United States is a microcosm of identity-based differences, capable of providing a promising ground for dialogue and mutual learning. However, these differences can also become a basis for identity-based discrimination, stereotyping, and hatred when members of the campus communities internalize the polarizing effects of political divisions, international conflicts, and/or other powerful forces in society. Recognizing these challenges, Professor Tatsushi Arai, a peacebuilding scholar-practitioner with twenty-five years of international experience, will reflect on the sources and nature of hatred in the context of identity-based conflict. He will also explore practical lessons from diverse conflict-affected societies to better understand and overcome identity-based divisions and hatred prevailing across university campuses in the United States.
Roles & Rights: Understanding Academic Freedom & Freedom of Expression
Tracy Laux, Amy Reynolds, Ph.D., Deborah Smith, Ph.D.
March 5, 2024
This session will explore the scope and limit of two related rights: First Amendment protections for freedom of expression and a faculty member’s right to academic freedom in the classroom and in research. Amy Reynolds will offer an overview of established First Amendment principles and highlight tension areas that often arise on a public university campus – hate speech, expressive conduct, the concept of harm, protections for and limitations of public employee speech, and time, place and manner considerations. Tracy Laux and Deborah Smith will discuss the rationale for and importance of academic freedom in the classroom. They will discuss the way in which that freedom is limited by the catalogue description and learning outcomes adopted for the course by the academic unit and the range of academic freedom that remains for faculty teaching individual sections of that course.
Navigating the Impact on Cultural and Religious Identity in a Time of Conflict
Rick Feinberg, Ph.D., Chaya Kessler, Babacar M'Baye, Ph.D., Lydia Rose, Ph.D.
March 12, 2024
This panel discussion provides a platform for participants to share personal narratives and insights on navigating the impact of conflict on cultural and religious identity. Drawing from diverse backgrounds and experiences, speakers will reflect on the challenges and triumphs encountered in preserving their cultural and religious heritage amidst turbulent times. Through candid anecdotes and reflections, the panel will offer nuanced perspectives on the resilience and adaptation necessary to maintain identity in the face of adversity. Attendees can expect a rich dialogue that illuminates the complexities of identity preservation and fosters empathy and understanding across cultural and religious divides.
Understanding and Combatting Antisemitism
Rabbi Michael Ross
March 19, 2024
Rabbi Michael Ross will explore a brief overview on the role of antisemitism and its impact on the Jewish community.
He has been the Senior Jewish Educator at Hillel, an adjunct instructor in the Jewish Studies department at KSU and Siegel College, and the pulpit rabbi at Temple Beth Shalom, in Hudson for the past six years. He will be teaching "Hebrew Bible as Literature" this fall at KSU.
Understanding and Combatting Islamophobia
Lydia Rose, Ph.D.
March 19, 2024
Anti-Muslim discrimination, prejudice, and oppression has a history tied to colonialism and internal colonialism. Dr. Rose will describe the basic tenets of Islam and situate Islamophobia within the context of the racial formation literature in sociology. This session will include a brief timeline of Islam and Muslim-Americans in US society beginning with Muslims in American from enslavement practices beginning in 1619, the rise of the Nation of Islam (NOI) and key American figures such as Mohammad Ali and Malcolm X, MENA and Asian immigration waves, to the 9/11 Attacks, the implementation of the “Muslim-ban” during the Trump years, and current conflicts in the Middle East. The rise in visibility of American Muslims in our country has brought on a new wave of hate crimes and anti-Muslim sentiment. Combatting Islamophobia is part of the movement to be anti-racist and overcome structural racism.
Dr. Rose brings her scholarship and expertise to enhance understand anti-Muslim sentiment and the strategies in combatting Islamophobia.
Communication Dos and Don'ts
Jacquelyn Bleak accompanied by colleagues and students from the School of Peace and Conflict Studies
August 22, 2024
*this session is intended for new students as part of KSU Kickoff programming
Please join us a session on communication and conflict resolution. Learn ways to cue others to hear you when you are having a disagreement. Discuss helpful habits in communication and when to use them. Have you ever had a conversation where you felt worse after the conversation ended? This session will provide tips and tricks for when you are grappling with someone you disagree with in the classroom and beyond.
Communication Dos and Don'ts
Jacquelyn Bleak accompanied by colleagues and students from the School of Peace and Conflict Studies
September 12, 2024
Please join us a session on communication and conflict resolution. Learn ways to cue others to hear you when you are having a disagreement. Discuss helpful habits in communication and when to use them. Have you ever had a conversation where you felt worse after the conversation ended? This session will provide tips and tricks for when you are grappling with someone you disagree with in the classroom and beyond.
Understanding and Combatting Islamophobia
Lydia Rose, Ph.D.
September 26, 2024
Anti-Muslim discrimination, prejudice, and oppression has a history tied to colonialism and internal colonialism. Dr. Rose will describe the basic tenets of Islam and situate Islamophobia within the context of the racial formation literature in sociology. This session will include a brief timeline of Islam and Muslim-Americans in US society beginning with Muslims in American from enslavement practices beginning in 1619, the rise of the Nation of Islam (NOI) and key American figures such as Mohammad Ali and Malcolm X, MENA and Asian immigration waves, to the 9/11 Attacks, the implementation of the “Muslim-ban” during the Trump years, and current conflicts in the Middle East. The rise in visibility of American Muslims in our country has brought on a new wave of hate crimes and anti-Muslim sentiment. Combatting Islamophobia is part of the movement to be anti-racist and overcome structural racism. Dr. Rose brings her scholarship and expertise to enhance understand anti-Muslim sentiment and the strategies in combatting Islamophobia.
Understanding and Combatting Antisemitism
Rabbi Michael Ross
October 1, 2024
Rabbi Michael Ross will explore a brief overview on the role of antisemitism and its impact on the Jewish community. He has been the Senior Jewish Educator at Hillel, an adjunct instructor in the Jewish Studies department at KSU and Siegel College, and the pulpit rabbi at Temple Beth Shalom, in Hudson for the past six years. He is teaching "Hebrew Bible as Literature" this fall at KSU.
Building Power Beyond the Ballot: Conflict Resolution and Community Power at Kent State
Jacquelyn Bleak and Ashley Nickels
October 17, 2024
To honor the International Day of Conflict Resolution on October 17th, join community organizers discuss the need for conflict resolution within community building and engagement. Voting is often framed as the only form of political engagement whereas community and relationship building often require more than filling out a ballot. This discussion plans to unpack what power we hold in our hands as members of the Kent State community.
Post-Election Reflections: Navigating Emotions and Wellness in the Kent State Community
Jacquelyn Bleak
November 7, 2024
Please join us as we process the recent impacts of the presidential election. Whether the votes are still being counted or a winner has been projected, we have witnessed strong feelings and attitudes expressed during this campaign cycle. The election represents many different values to members of the Kent State community. This discussion will allow community members to process the election in addition to providing wellness tips as we head into the winter months.
The Dream of Wellness: Mental Health Advocacy Through the Lens of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Yvonna Washington-Greer, Angela Neal-Barnett, Janice Johnson, Josh Perkins, Marvin Logan
January 30, 2025
The Boundaries of Freedom: Understanding Free Speech at a Public Institution
Paul Haridakis, Ph.D.
March 18, 2025
One of Kent State’s core values is freedom of expression and the free exchange of ideas. It also values an inclusive environment that creates a sense of belonging and values respect, kindness and purpose in all we do. These are not competing values, they are complementary. Nonetheless tensions can arise when supporting different values. This session will explore the tension that sometimes can arise when balancing the protection and support of individual freedom of expression with protection and support of collective values.
The goal of this session is to foster a productive and respectful discussion focused on the responsibility to consider the interests of others that comes with a robust right of freedom of expression.
We must remain mindful of this responsibility because expression can be beneficial or harmful, civil or uncivil, truthful or untruthful, and can bridge differences and bring people together or exacerbate differences and divide people.
In a marketplace of ideas supported by the first amendment and committed to protecting freedom of expression, we will highlight the scope of 1st amendment protection, some tension areas that arise on a public university campus and some of the limits that have been placed on speakers in public forums like university campuses.