Timetable for Implementation

The revised guidelines for promotion will be implemented as follows:

a.     These guidelines will be effective for all new tenure-track faculty hired after the date of final approval of the revised criteria.

b.     For any promotion sought prior to January 2012, tenured or tenure-track faculty who were employed by UL prior to the final approval of the revised guidelines will have the choice of using either the previous criteria (6.04b) or revised criteria. These faculty must provide notification in the promotion file of the guidelines being followed.

c.     For any promotion sought after January 2012, all faculty must use these revised guidelines.

Approved by the UL Faculty, 12/18/08
Approved by the Provost, 03/21/09
Revision approved by UL Faculty, 9/14/10
Receipt acknowledged by the Provost's Office, 9/1710

Final approval, 8/31/11