Katherine Bryk

New Face Katherine M. Bryk Word Processing Specialist School of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies Kent Campus JOB DESCRIPTION: Maintain departmental website and social media accounts, and office support at White Hall and Gym Annex Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies’ offices WORKED AT KENT STATE SINCE: January 2017 EMPLOYMENT PRIOR TO KENT STATE UNIVERSITY: The Learned Owl Book Shop, Hudson LIKES MOST ABOUT KENT STATE UNIVERSITY: The positive and welcoming atmosphere – and the squirrels ATTRACTION TO KENT STATE UNIVERSITY AS AN EMPLOYER: I’ve...

College of Communication & Information

Runner high fives "Hero"

As thousands of runners raced to the finish line at the Akron Children's Hospital Akron Marathon Race Series on Sept. 23, 2017, Kent State photojournalism students documented the sideline heroes who, at a young age, have won many battles. Akron Children’s Hospital invited the students to cover the “Hero Zones” at the Marathon: Akron Children’s Hospital patients who have overcome an illness, equipped with “press for power” signs so runners could high-five them as they passed by. Canon Professional Services loaned the eight students $33,000 worth of photo gear to document the day. Austin M...

You are not alone. Depression and anxiety do not need to be masked. The 23rd annual National Depression Screening Day at will be held Thursday, Oct. 5, at several Kent State locations, and events are open to all students, faculty and staff, as well as the larger community. Kent Campus: Thursday, Oct. 5, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at the second floor mezzanine of the Kent Student Center at Stark: Thursday, Oct. 5, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Herbert W. Hoover Foundation Counseling Center, Lower Level, Campus Center at Trumbu...

October will be a busy month for research at . The Division of Research and Sponsored Programs is hosting three events, two of them with a focus on student research. These include two research forums, featuring five Kent State faculty speakers, and the presentation of Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) student research projects. “We’ve got an event for faculty alone, and two events that emphasize the importance of the relationship between faculty and students for building a culture of research and innovation at Kent State,” says Douglas Delahanty, Ph.D., Ke...

Bulldog Flash Academic Institute

Ever since she can remember, 14-year-old Jada Howard has wanted to be a veterinarian. Recently, she started on a path at at Stark that will help make her dream come true. The self-assured, analytical rising sophomore at Canton McKinley High School, along with 32 of her classmates, attended the inaugural Bulldog Flash Academic Institute, a partnership between Kent State Stark and Canton City Schools. The program is geared to help underserved students who may lack the necessary resources and make them college-ready. The institute focuses on study skills, time management,...

Mary Beth Spitznagel

The mental and physical stress on individuals caring for elderly loved ones with chronic and terminal disease is well-documented and known as caregiver burden. Such stress is linked to depression, anxiety and poor quality of life. Ways exist to prevent and treat it. But what about caregivers of pets with chronic and terminal diseases? Do they carry the same level of stress and burden? Until recently, very little scientific research has been published on what these caregivers go through and how they handle the stress. It took Mary Beth Spitznagel, Ph.D., a clinical neuropsychologist and assoc...

HEED photo

’s commitment to maintaining a diverse and inclusive campus has received acknowledgement from INSIGHT Into Diversity, the oldest and largest diversity-focused publication in higher education, for a fifth consecutive year. INSIGHT Into Diversity has selected Kent State as a recipient of the 2017 Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award. The annual HEED Award is a national honor that recognizes U.S. colleges and universities that demonstrate an outstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion. As a recipient of this award, Kent State will be featured in INSI...

 students walk to and from class while others hang out on Risman Plaza.

Each year on Oct. 1, universities nationwide are required to disseminate a summary of reported crimes on or near campus. The Annual Security Reports for all campuses outline three-year statistics on several different crimes from motor vehicle theft and weapons violations to drug violations and sexual assault. Kent State continues to be one of the nation’s safest campuses. In June 2017, the Kent Campus was named the 11th Safest Campus in the Nation and the safest campus in Ohio by the Council for Home Safety and Security. The university remains firmly committed to the h...

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