Register to Vote in Kent Using Your Residence Hall Address


To cast a ballot in Ohio, you must be pre-registered; you can’t just walk in and show ID. Keep in mind that you must register to vote by the deadline, Oct. 7. If you miss this deadline, you won’t be able to vote in this election, but you can prepare to register for the next one.


How to Register Using a Residence Hall Address

You have two options for registering to vote: online or using a paper form. Registration using the paper form is strongly encouraged.

Register to Vote in Kent as an Off-Campus Student

To cast a ballot in Ohio, you must be pre-registered; you can’t just walk in and show ID. Keep in mind that you must register to vote by the deadline, Oct. 7. If you miss this deadline, you won’t be able to vote in this election, but you can prepare to register for the next one.


How to Register in Kent as an Off-Campus Student

You have two options for registering to vote: online or using a paper form. Registration using the paper form is strongly encouraged.

FERPA & You (BC 1 hour)

This engaging webinar was developed as an introduction to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and challenges faced by student-facing faculty and staff. We will review FERPA basics and what led to the creation of this act, explore requirements for the protection of student records, address who may and may not access student records, under what circumstances records may be shared, and discuss exceptions to the requirement of student consent. During this session, you will

*Identify the most common FERPA violations and how to avoid them

FERPA & You (BC 1 hour)

This engaging webinar was developed as an introduction to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and challenges faced by student-facing faculty and staff. We will review FERPA basics and what led to the creation of this act, explore requirements for the protection of student records, address who may and may not access student records, under what circumstances records may be shared, and discuss exceptions to the requirement of student consent. During this session, you will

*Identify the most common FERPA violations and how to avoid them

FERPA & You (BC 1 hour)

This engaging webinar was developed as an introduction to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and challenges faced by student-facing faculty and staff. We will review FERPA basics and what led to the creation of this act, explore requirements for the protection of student records, address who may and may not access student records, under what circumstances records may be shared, and discuss exceptions to the requirement of student consent. During this session, you will

*Identify the most common FERPA violations and how to avoid them

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Lessons in Leadership: Navigating Election Season Conversations

Wednesday, Oct. 30 | 6-7 p.m. | Pepsi Leadership Center

Join the Leadership Center for a discussion on navigating election season conversations with confidence. Follow @kentstateleads on Instagram for more information.


Post-Election Holding Spaces

The Division of Student Life will be hosting a variety of post-election events designed to creating space for connection and community!

Post-Election Reflections - Nov. 7

Post-Election Reflections: Navigating Emotions and Wellness in the Kent State Community

Please join us as we process the recent impacts of the presidential election. Whether the votes are still being counted or a winner has been projected, we have witnessed strong feelings and attitudes expressed during this campaign cycle. The election represents many different values to members of the Kent State community. This discussion will allow community members to process the election and provide wellness tips as we head into the winter months.

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