Standing Committees
The Division of Student Life supports five standing committees for division-wide opportunities for employee engagement.
Employee Engagement
The purpose of this committee is to determine ways to recognize staff, plan celebrations throughout the year, and welcome new employees to the division.
Focus Areas: Employee Excellence Awards & staff recognitions, Informal social events, Division On-Boarding, Volunteer and Community Service
Marketing/Program/Calendar Committee
This committee aims to develop a strategy to coordinate social and intra-divisional programming to intentionally streamline communication within the division to reduce costs, eliminate duplicative co-curricular activities and programs and market division events university-wide.
Assessment Counsel
The division assessment counsel will facilitate, identify needs and develop recommendations on assessment and strategic planning while serving as an advisory group to the division's senior staff.
Professional Staff Development
The purpose of this committee is to identify professional development opportunities for all division staff, examine HR training & development offerings and create and/or promote those opportunities for division staff. Review ACPA & NASPA professional competencies and identify gaps in current training programs while assessing current staff competencies to propose division-specific programs.
Projects: Professional competencies framework (classified and unclassified staff), lunch and learn, webinars etc.
Cultural Competency Committee
The purpose of this team is to coordinate all division diversity, equity, and inclusion activities. This team is comprised of all division staff who are members of committees such as University Diversity Action Council, Great Place Initiative, and other similar groups. This team will coordinate division initiatives emphasizing diversity, equity, and inclusion along with division climate study results.
Current Initiatives: