Parents and Families Weekend

Honors College Parents and Families Appreciation Weekend

Welcome, Honors College Families

As part of the university's annual Parents and Families Appreciation Weekend, Kent State's Honors College presented a day of fun activities for their students and their families.

Tags: Parents and Families Weekend, Nationally Distinctive, Students First, Honors College, mentors

Honors College

Black squirrel eating an acorn

IN A FLASH: Celebrate Our 'Unofficial' Mascot!

Let's get nuts! The 41st Annual Black Squirrel Festival kicks off today at 4 p.m. on the Student Green and Risman Plaza.

Tags: University News, Community & Society, Black Squirrel Festival, Community Impact, Nationally Distinctive, Center for Student Involvement, Parents and Families Weekend, Division of Student Life, Student Life

Kent State Today

Mother and daughter at Families weekend

Flash Families Celebrate Their Students

On September 29 and 30, families of Kent State students were honored with fun events and activities during the university's annual Parents and Families Weekend.

Tags: Student Life, Division of Student Life, Alumni, Parents and Families Weekend, Dix Stadium, Football

Kent State Today

Student walking near Manchester Hall with grandparents and dog

IN A FLASH: We Are (Flash) Family!

A full schedule of fun activities is planned for Parents and Families Appreciation Weekend – Sept. 29 and 30 – at Kent State. 

Tags: Parents and Families Weekend, Student Life, University News, Community & Society, Community Impact, Alumni, Black Squirrel Festival, Football

Kent State Today