Outstanding Staff Awards
Two categories: Administrative/Professional and Support (technical, paraprofessional, office)
Two levels: Junior (five years or less of service) and Senior (more than five years)
The Kent State EHHS Outstanding Staff Award recognizes staff who consistently and substantially exceed the expectations of their position by performing at a level above and beyond normal job requirements and expectations. Awardees demonstrate passion for what they do; outstanding dedication; competence; exceptional performance; and excellent service to others, including students, faculty, and administrators.
All current EHHS non-teaching personnel who are employed full-time; the individual may not hold rank or tenure.
Worked continuously in EHHS: for Junior staff, a minimum of one year and no more than five years; more than five years for Senior staff.
An individual may receive an Outstanding Staff Award only once per category level (e.g. if an individual receives a Junior Support Staff Award, they could still be nominated at a later time for a Senior Award).
Maximum of one award in each category and level given each year.
Nomination Procedure
Unit heads are encouraged to cooperate with any faculty or staff member seeking evidence in support of a nomination. In addition, unit heads are encouraged to coordinate the nomination of a staff member who is nominated by two or more colleagues in order to reduce the possibility of duplicate nominations being sent to the Committee.
Nominations may be submitted by current employees, including staff, faculty, and administrators. Self-nominations are permitted.
The nominator should:
- Complete Nomination Form (PDF)
- Include a 1-page (maximum) narrative that addresses significant contributions made to EHHS by the nominee; addresses how the nominee has supported and/or advanced EHHS strategic initiatives; and considers outstanding service, significance of contribution to EHHS, and professionalism. It is helpful to indicate and differentiate between contributions which are directly job-related and contributions that go above and beyond the nominee’s regular responsibilities. Note: If application is self-nominated, the applicant should secure an additional nomination letter from a colleague or peer (faculty or staff) supporting the application.
- If the nominator is not the nominee’s immediate supervisor, the nominator should obtain a signature approval from that individual.
Nominations and supplementary materials become the property of the Honors and Awards Committee. All nomination materials will be kept confidential.
The Committee’s decision on award recipients will be made on the basis of the above materials only.
Rubric for Award:
Criterion |
Meets Expectations |
Exceeds Expectations |
Far Exceeds Expectations |
Clarity |
Staff contributions are described |
Staff contributions are clearly described |
Staff contributions are clearly described and illustrated by multiple concrete examples |
Effort |
Nominee’s contributions largely fall within his/her job description |
Nominee has devoted some time and resources to the described activities |
Nominee clearly devoted significant time and resources to the described activities |
KSU Impact |
Staff contributions will have minor impacts on KSU EHHS students, faculty, staff, and/or programs. |
Staff contributions will have impacts on KSU EHHS students, faculty, staff, and/or programs |
Staff contributions will have LASTING impacts on KSU EHHS students, faculty, staff, and/or programs |
Community Impact |
Staff contributions will have minor impacts on the local community/community beyond KSU |
Staff contributions will have impacts on the local community/community beyond KSU |
Staff contributions will have LASTING impacts on the local community/ community beyond KSU |